Green Witches Book Club
Ready to embark on your Magical Journey with us? Learn more about how to join the Green Witches Book Club and start exploring your path today!
Terms and Conditions
Explore Your Path in Witchcraft with a Tribe That Grows Together 
Join a community where your spiritual journey is nurtured and celebrated. The Green Witches Book Club is dedicated to witches of all levels, from beginners to seasoned practitioners. We meet weekly to explore diverse books on witchcraft, spirituality, and paganism, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of various practices and traditions.
  • Weekly Meetings: Engage in enriching discussions on a wide range of topics, from history and herbalism to divination and pantheons.
  • Diverse Reading List: Delve into witchcraft books that provide different perspectives and practical insights to enhance your spiritual practice.
  • Supportive Community: Be part of a judgment-free space where you can share your experiences, ask questions, and grow alongside like-minded individuals.
  • Practical Learning: Apply what you learn directly to your magical practice, with the support of a community that values personal growth and mutual respect.
  • Weekly Meetings and Discussion: Weekly meetings are more than just gatherings—there are opportunities for in-depth exploration and collaborative learning. Through dissecting assigned readings, members engage in critical thinking and deepen their understanding of spiritual concepts through lively group discussions. The club encourages comparative analysis, enabling participants to broaden their perspectives by examining various viewpoints and practices presented in the readings. These interactive discussions foster active participation, as members share insights and contribute to collective learning, and create an enriching environment where every voice is valued and heard.
  • Cross-Cultural Exploration: Through its diverse reading list and discussions, the club encourages exploration of various cultural perspectives and traditions within witchcraft and spirituality. This fosters a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of global spiritual practices.
  • Interactive Learning and Practice: The Green Witches Book Club prioritizes hands-on engagement and experiential learning for spiritual growth. Members go beyond theory with group exercises, applying learned concepts directly. Self-study tasks from readings encourage personal reflection, while crafting sessions foster creativity and self-expression, nurturing a holistic learning environment. Through these diverse avenues of exploration, members deepen their understanding and connection to their spiritual practice, empowering them to integrate newfound insights into their daily lives with confidence and authenticity. The club's emphasis on experiential learning fosters a sense of empowerment and ownership over one's spiritual journey, empowering members to actively shape their paths according to their unique aspirations and beliefs.
  • Safe Learning Environment: The Green Witches Book Club is committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment where members can explore sensitive topics, ask questions, and share experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination. Mutual respect and confidentiality are upheld at all times.
  • Flexible Membership Options: Choose from three membership tiers tailored to your level of engagement. By providing access to community engagement to connect with others, or live Zoom discussions with other members to support you along your spiritual journey every week.
  • Inclusive Community Building: The Green Witches Book Club prioritizes inclusivity, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds, identities, and spiritual paths. This commitment to diversity ensures that members feel respected, valued, and supported in their unique journeys.
  • Community Engagement and Networking: The Green Witches Book Club provides a vibrant platform for members to connect and engage with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Through the club's social platform, members can connect and mingle, forging friendships, fostering collaboration, and offering mutual support in their spiritual journeys. Additionally, the club offers networking opportunities, enabling members to build meaningful connections within the community. These connections provide avenues for mentorship, collaboration, and shared learning experiences, enriching each member's spiritual journey through the collective wisdom and experiences of their peers.
  • Flexible Participation Options: Members have the flexibility to participate in club activities at their own pace and comfort level. Whether attending weekly zoom meetings, engaging in online discussions, or accessing resources asynchronously, the club accommodates diverse schedules and preferences.
What We offer
Benefits Of Joining
The Green Witches Book Club is an inclusive community tailored for individuals passionate about exploring witchcraft, spirituality, and pagan traditions. Whether you're a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or a seasoned practitioner eager to deepen your understanding, our club offers a supportive environment where members of all levels can connect, learn, and grow together. With weekly meetings that encourage in-depth exploration, comparative analysis, and interactive learning, we foster critical thinking and provide practical applications to enhance your spiritual journey. Our community values diversity, respect, and collaboration, ensuring that every member feels welcome and empowered to explore their unique path with confidence and authenticity. If you're seeking connection, enrichment, and a holistic approach to spiritual development, the Green Witches Book Club is the perfect place for you to thrive.
  • Beginners Exploring Their Path: For those new to witchcraft and spirituality, the club offers a welcoming and supportive environment to learn foundational concepts, explore different practices, and connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey of discovery.
  • Seasoned Practitioners Seeking Growth: Experienced practitioners can benefit from the club's diverse reading list, interactive discussions, and opportunities for advanced learning. Whether delving into new topics or deepening existing knowledge, the club provides a space for continuous growth and exploration.
  • Curious Seekers of Knowledge: Individuals with a curiosity about witchcraft, spirituality, and alternative belief systems can find a welcoming community within the club. Through engaging discussions and access to resources, seekers can satisfy their thirst for knowledge and gain valuable insights into different spiritual traditions.
  • Creatives and Artisans: Artists, crafters, and creatives of all kinds can find inspiration and expression within the club's crafting sessions and creative workshops. From creating ritual tools to visualizing spiritual journeys, the club offers a space for artistic exploration and self-expression.
  • Community Builders and Networkers: Those interested in building connections and fostering community within the witchcraft and spiritual community can find a platform for networking and collaboration within the club. By engaging in social interactions, participating in group activities, and attending events, members can forge meaningful connections and contribute to a vibrant community.
Who The green Witches Book Club is for?
I hesitantly joined the Green Witches Book club 2+ years ago. I wanted community, but joining new groups can be intimidating! However, once taking the jump I found exactly what I was looking for. This group has helped me grow in ways I never knew possible all while providing support and lasting friendships. I cannot recommend this book club enough!

I want to say how much I enjoy The green witches book club, I joined to learn more about witchcraft and met soulful women that encourage me and make be feel like I belong, but most importantly became my friends. I love to learn more about the craft and I feel that I’m in the perfect place for this gift! Its nice to be comfortable with people, because they are inviting and caring witches 🖤 I’m very blessed

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Book Club FAQ</title> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; } .faq-container { width: 80%; max-width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px; } .faq-question { cursor: pointer; margin: 10px 0; padding: 10px; background-color: #f4f4f4; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 5px; } .faq-answer { display: none; padding: 10px; border-left: 2px solid #ddd; margin: 0 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="faq-container"> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer1')"> Q: Do I have to buy my own books? </div> <div id="answer1" class="faq-answer"> The simple answer is, yes. At these prices we are unable to provide each member with the book that we select to read. The book club uses affiliate links for our book announcements. This provides a way to source each book, but it is the responsibility of the member to purchase the required book.<br><br> However, we don't require that members buy the books through the links provided, or even buy the book at all. We are very flexible here. Please feel free to check the library, audio options, or check at your local book stores. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer2')"> Q: How often do we meet & where? </div> <div id="answer2" class="faq-answer"> The book club meets weekly in our virtual classroom on Zoom.<br><br> Members who have access to Zoom will receive a password-protected Zoom invite via their email every week on Wednesday. Our meeting time is 7pm MST. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer3')"> Q: How does the subscription work? </div> <div id="answer3" class="faq-answer"> Memberships are auto-renew selected based on the plan you choose. This will either be monthly or yearly billed directly to the card you have on file. Membership dues will auto-renew every month/year, on the date the membership was activated. Yearly memberships will be billed all at once. Memberships can be changed or canceled at any time. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer4')"> Q: Can I cancel any time? </div> <div id="answer4" class="faq-answer"> Our book club is built on providing others with a place to begin, learn, expand, and grow their own personal craft and spirituality. It is not built on forcing anyone into loyalty. Come and go as you please and may what you learn here guide you along your path. Memberships can be canceled at any time. Simply modify your subscription services to discontinue any membership or contact us directly. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer5')"> Q: What happens if a meeting needs to cancel? </div> <div id="answer5" class="faq-answer"> Generally, we meet every week on Wednesday, but life happens and things do come up that we can't avoid, so from time to time we may need to cancel the Zoom for the week. Our staff will send out an email if a last-minute or future cancellation is required. Don't worry, we will pick up where we left off the following week. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer6')"> Q: How do I join the Green Witches Book Club? </div> <div id="answer6" class="faq-answer"> The Green Witches book club operates by membership tiers in order to maintain the platform. In order to join the book club simply enter your name and email either above or below this section to be redirected to our membership selections.<br><br> We offer three member options to anyone who wishes to join. Each tier offers the member different benefits that they can select from. Select whichever membership resonates best with your preferred method of study. Then follow the payment steps to complete your purchase.<br><br> Once your payment has been submitted and processed you will be emailed a welcome letter that provides a link to our social community for you to join, and depending on which membership you chose you will also be put into rotation to receive to weekly zoom link invites for you to join us for live meetings from the comfort of your home. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer7')"> Q: Are there any prerequisites or requirements for membership? </div> <div id="answer7" class="faq-answer"> No, there are no prerequisites to join our book club. The book club is open to new beginners, dabblers, seasoned practitioners, or anyone who has an interest in the craft, its practices, or the various cultures that surround pagan perspectives.<br><br> We do require that you have an interest in reading, and a desire to learn if the membership is going to be of service to you. We value participation in our Zoom meetings and encourage everyone to participate in discussions. This helps everyone learn, evaluate, and critically think about the context we are presented with.<br><br> We do require that our members are respectful of all other members including their personal perspectives, practices, etc. But, it is ok to object to what we are reading and disagree with various perspectives between members. This must be done with respect in order to foster the learning environment. We all come from different backgrounds and hold different perspectives towards what we see, do, hear, and read and it’s important to instill value in everyone's perspective within reason. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer8')"> Q: What types of books are typically included in the reading list? </div> <div id="answer8" class="faq-answer"> The books that we cover will focus on all spirituality within the pagan realm. This will include books about pantheons, culture, faith systems and their practices, witchcraft, historical context, divinity, deities, holidays, as well as practical crafting, tool making, spell work, herbalism, and independent study. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer9')"> Q: Can I suggest books for the club to read? </div> <div id="answer9" class="faq-answer"> Book selections are reserved for the members who have decided to commit to a year worth of study by selecting the yearly membership. This ensures that any suggestions we get from our members are relevant to the pagan and witchcraft spectrum of content available to read.<br><br> However, other members may suggest various books to the admins of the book club by emailing us directly. Simply email the book suggestion that you have with a brief explanation for why you believe it would be a good book to add to our reading list. These book suggestions will be reviewed by our team and voted on by our yearly members. The book suggestions that clear the vote will be added directly to the list of upcoming books.<br><br> Currently we read as a group one chapter per week, depending on the length of the chapters, or the complexity of what we are working on within the books we are reading. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer10')"> Q: Are there any discounts or benefits for long-term members? </div> <div id="answer10" class="faq-answer"> We do not offer long-term member benefits, but we do offer a $15 dollar discount to those who decide to sign up for the year. We may also offer from time to time special discounted prices for new member sign ups.<br><br> Each new member who signs up for a monthly membership will also receive a free bookmark, and new yearly sign ups will receive a book club bundle pack to engage their studying journey. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer11')"> Q: How do I access the club's online platform and resources? </div> <div id="answer11" class="faq-answer"> Members who have selected either the monthly or yearly memberships will be provided a weekly zoom link via email for direct access to the live meetings. These members will also be added to a book club chat via Facebook so that each member has the opportunity to be in direct contact with other members and the admin for last minute updates, changes, or help accessing the meetings.<br><br> In addition to the chat and the email zoom access links, all new members will receive an email with our social media Facebook community link where members are encouraged to join. Members are required to answer all the questions prior to being accepted into the group. This link is not to be shared with nonmembers, as the answers that are required will identify those who are allowed access. If you wish to share the book club with your friends and family, please share the following link:<br><br> All book purchases are the responsibility of the member. The announcement for book changes will go out via email approx. 2 weeks before we finish the book we are currently on. This allows the members time to get the next book we decide to read. We use affiliate links from Amazon in our emails to provide a resource for buying the book, but do not require that it be used. There are many options for getting the required book, including borrowing it from a library. How you obtain the book is entirely up to you.<br><br> If you do not have the book and wish not to buy it, but still want to be a member, you may do that as well. Your path is your path and we will not object. However, we would suggest having the book because it helps to follow along, and become inspired to talk about the subjects we cover in the reading. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer12')"> Q: Are there opportunities for members to lead discussions or present topics? </div> <div id="answer12" class="faq-answer"> The book club is community lead. That means that we will start the chapter and go through its contents. There will be a discussion about the whole chapter and there will be plenty of room for members to offer feedback, ask questions, present something that stood out, or talk about something they found interesting in the chapters. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer13')"> Q: Is there a code of conduct or community guidelines for members to follow? </div> <div id="answer13" class="faq-answer"> Yes, respect. Everyone is allowed to be who they are, practice how they practice, and learn how they learn and that should be respected and not condoned. We cannot learn from each other's perspective if we choose to judge what they are doing, saying, or practicing.<br><br> Accountability. Each member is responsible for themselves and how they choose to hold themselves. It is perfectly ok to not agree with another human, but it is not ok to publicly assault them with unkind actions, words, or discriminations that come from a deep desire to assert one's will over others.<br><br> We wish to foster diverse learning, understanding, and growth between cultures and practices through a community effort in our book club. Violating this will directly violate what we stand for, and doing so will have your membership revoked. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer14')"> Q: Are meetings recorded or available for playback if I miss one? </div> <div id="answer14" class="faq-answer"> Currently this is still up for discussion. As of right now the meetings are not recorded, but If there are any changes decided as we continue to discuss this, there will be an email that goes out to all monthly and yearly members informing them of the change. As a member if this is an option you would like, please feel free to support the suggestion with an email or message. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer15')"> Q: Are there any additional fees or costs associated with membership, besides the subscription fee? </div> <div id="answer15" class="faq-answer"> The only extra cost that members may have is the cost of the books and any supplies wanted for any crafting, spellwork, or practical applications that we decide on alongside the reading. These are of course, not required, but included as additional potential costs members may encounter when they decide to become a member. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer16')"> Q: Can members interact with each other outside of scheduled meetings, such as through forums or social media groups? </div> <div id="answer16" class="faq-answer"> Absolutely! Building and fostering community, friendships, and connections is totally part of the mission the Green Witches Corner has for its members! We ask that everyone be safe when doing so, but feel free to connect as you please! </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer17')"> Q: How is feedback from members collected and addressed within the club? </div> <div id="answer17" class="faq-answer"> By email! Please feel free to connect with us at with any concerns, feedback, or suggestions that you have!<br><br> Any issues or concerns will be handled independently and investigated further if required, and will be dealt with directly by admin. A resolution will be provided by email or direct message. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <div class="faq-question" onclick="toggleAnswer('answer18')"> Q: Is there a trial period or sample meeting available for prospective members to experience before committing to membership? </div> <div id="answer18" class="faq-answer"> We do not offer trial memberships, or free access to our meetings, but do have a sample replay of one of our past meetings that you can access <a href="">HERE</a>.<br><br> Occasionally we open our doors to the Green Witches Corner witchy communities for special crafting days. These are usually announced in each of the groups in a pinned post. If you would like to be a part of our witchy communities please visit us at: <a href="">Green Witches Corner</a> or <a href="">Green Witches Garden Witches</a>. </div> </div> </div> <script> function toggleAnswer(id) { const answer = document.getElementById(id); = ( === 'none' || === '') ? 'block' : 'none'; } </script> </body> </html>
Our Frequently Asked Questions section provides a comprehensive overview of common inquiries about the Green Witches Book Club. Whether you're curious about membership options, meeting schedules, or the types of discussions and activities we offer, this section is designed to address your questions and provide clarity on how the club operates. Explore topics such as community engagement, learning opportunities, and inclusivity to learn more about what to expect as a member. If you have a question that isn't answered here, feel free to reach out to our team for assistance. We're here to support you on your spiritual journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
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